Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Welcome to Buenos Aires

Hello all and welcome back to the Adventures of Captain Red Beard. I know that I was a little bit delayed about writing and for this I apologize. I have spent the last few weeks acclimating myself to my new temporary home of Buenos Aires. For those of you who don't know, I decided to spend the next few months in the sprawling metropolis of Buenos Aires, Argentina. How did I come to this conclusion? Well, during my excellent adventure in Spain, I met a beautiful Spanish woman named Diana. We hit it off and even continued our relationship after I left. She came to visit in the U.S. and we actually planned that I would go and live with her in Espana. Pretty wild stuff I know. Things got complicate yadada and plans fell through. Now I know that seems like a little TMI but the point is that I was planning on going for an extended vaca in Europe. Since that didn't work out, there was no sense in staying in Millbrook. I figured I should go some place that speaks Spanish, and since going to Spain might be a little awkward for the aforementioned reason, South America was the next obvious choice. But where in Southe America. The beautiful beaches of Chile, the lush jungles of Ecuador, or a port city on the east coast. Some may know of a mysterious man by the name of Michael Rizzo. Mr. Rizzo is a household name in Buenos Aires and a neighbor to the Meyers family back in the great town of Millbrook. I figured if I was just gonna wing it and go anywhere, it might be better to know someone where I am going. And that is how I chose to come to Buenos Aires. As far as plans, I have none. Just to learn more Spanish and try to survive until June 2 when a plane will carry back to the land where the States are United

I was lucky enough to have landed myself a job in a hostel before I even got down here thanks to the great craigslist. I am currently working the night shift at Circus Hostel in the San Telmo neighborhood. It´s actually a pretty good gig. I split it with a guy named AytunÇ who comes from Turkey. We switch on and off and work either 3 or 4 nights in a row. Its really easy cuz not much goes on between midnight and 8 am and the breakfast is free. Also we get a sweet discount at the restaurant here which is pretty decent. The only negative is that I have to work from midnight to 8 am. Its tough to get used to and I miss a lot of daylight. I have found the best schedule is to work and then stay up after work and enjoy the day and then sleep in the afternoon. This way I get the most sunlight possible. As opposed to sleeping until 4 pm and then only having a few hours before the sun goes down around 8.

Speaking of sun, it is summer here, and yes it is hot. And of course I got burned. Although there is a surplus of heat I cannot complain because I love the sun and I hear it is extra cold back home. Another benefit of working at the hostel is that our apartement on the top floor comes equiped with a huge balcony that gets plenty of sun. Furthermore, there is a pool on the ground floor that is also really nice.

As far as the city of Buenos Aires goes, it is huge and I have not even come close to seeing all of it. Along with all the nice tourist sites, there is also an ecological reserve just outside of the city which is only a fifteen minute walk from my house. It´s pretty nice and it is good to have close by to get away from the noise and pollution of the city. It is important to note that very close to the Ecological Reserve there is a Casino. I went the other night with some other employees from the hostel and ended up winning 400 pesos, it was quite nice.

Of course everyone already knows that the food in Argentina is excellent. Plenty of steaks and other meats cooked on the bbq. Yet another advantage of the hostel is that every Saturday a bbq or Asado is held. This is always delicious with a number of different meats and sausage along with a salad and a beer and of course a nice discount for the staff.

Now I am heading out to see the museum of modern art here is Buenos Aires. We will see how that goes. Hopefully my next post will be a little more lively. Peace out

1 comment:

  1. Tim,
    I'm thrilled you are writing again. But a little more dedication in your writing? ALSO a friend and I are traveling down to Buenas Aires in December..take notes!
